
“Come play with your own age group!”

BoomerTube Podcast
Episode # 38
"Grandma’s Kitchen"
Host: Deb Wittner
Music: Lynn Tredeau
Podcast Editor: Tim Wittner

This episode recalls the sanctuary of our grandmothers’ kitchens as kids, and all the wonderful smells and activities associated with them. Deb recalls pulling taffy with her grandma, and her husband’s recollection of helping his grandpa bring in the “winter” cookstove for his grandma. We reminisce about aprons and their important role in the kitchen, and Deb shares a prank that her older sisters played on her.

We also hear a song by Lynn Tredeau, an award-winning pianist from Idaho with her song, “Fellowship of Solitude.”

TAG: Baby Boomer, mid-century, BoomerTube, grandma, cooking, kitchen

#boomertube, #babyboomers # boomers